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Live Feature Flags with AWS Systems Manager and .NET

Posted on:November 8, 2023 at 10:00 AM

What are feature flags?

Feature flags, also known as feature toggles, are a technique in modern software development that enables developers to turn certain functionalities on or off without altering the codebase. This approach facilitates controlled testing, phased rollouts, and the ability to quickly respond to issues by enabling or disabling features in real-time. By decoupling deployment and feature release, feature flags provide a flexible mechanism for managing and iterating on software features in various environments.

Setup in AWS

I’m gonna assume you’ve got your AWS account and AWS CLI set up, so we’re gonna skip that part.
I’m also gonna assume you have created an empty ASP.NET API project.

Let’s start by creating a parameter:

aws ssm put-parameter --name "/FeatureFlags/FeatureA" --value "true" --type String

and then some more:

aws ssm put-parameter --name "/FeatureFlags/FeatureB" --value "false" --type String
aws ssm put-parameter --name "/FeatureFlags/FeatureC" --value "true" --type String

and now let’s check one just to be sure:

aws ssm get-parameter --name "/FeatureFlags/FeatureA"

and list them all:

aws ssm describe-parameters --filters "Key=Name,Values=/FeatureFlags/"

That’s all we need to do for now in AWS, let’s move to code example.


First, install required package:

dotnet add package Amazon.Extensions.Configuration.SystemsManager --version 6.0.0

and add following to Program.cs:

builder.Configuration.AddSystemsManager(o =>
    o.ReloadAfter = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
    o.Path = "/FeatureFlags";

This adds a ConfigurationProvider to the app that will talk with AWS SSM. Remember to adjust the ReloadAfter parameter to more suitable value as calls to AWS SSM API are not free.

We’ll also need a class that would represent parameters we’ve added before:

public class FeatureFlagsOptions
    public bool FeatureA { get; set; }
    public bool FeatureB { get; set; }
    public bool FeatureC { get; set; }

and bind the class to the configuration:


That takes care of the configuration.


Now that we’ve added ConfigurationProvider to our app, and DI Container, we can use the feature flags just by injecting the IOptionsSnapshot<FeatureFlagsOptions> where it’s needed.

public class FeatureFlagsController : Controller
    private readonly IOptionsSnapshot<FeatureFlagsOptions> _optionsSnapshot;

    public FeatureController(IOptionsSnapshot<FeatureFlagsOptions> optionsSnapshot)
        _optionsSnapshot = optionsSnapshot;

    public async Task<IActionResult> GetFeatureFlags()
        return Ok(_optionsSnapshot.Value);

Now the GET /featureflags endpoint returns:

  "featureA": true,
  "featureB": false,
  "featureC": true

Now let’s get to the magic part.

Live reload of config values

While keeping the app running, let’s change the parameter values:

aws ssm put-parameter --name "/FeatureFlags/FeatureA" --value "false" --type String --overwrite
aws ssm put-parameter --name "/FeatureFlags/FeatureB" --value "true" --type String --overwrite
aws ssm put-parameter --name "/FeatureFlags/FeatureC" --value "false" --type String --overwrite

and calling the GET /featureflags endpoint again will return:

  "featureA": false,
  "featureB": true,
  "featureC": false

That’s it!

How’s that useful?

Live feature flags transform application management by allowing changes without restarts or deployments. By injecting these flags with each request, updates happen in real-time, significantly speeding up the process and enhancing responsiveness.

However, this approach requires some changes in apps where entire configuration is based on enviroinment variables. You can no longer build config once at startup and use it as a singleton, so a proper usage of dependency injection is vital.

Checkout this post where I implement the same mechanism in Node.js!